Tuesday, November 14, 2017

When I Read Reviews About Blade Runner 2049

Woke up this morning remembering cannot sleep last night, sit for a second, running downstairs to start the washing machines, turn off the heater, put on clothes, Que Belang sit at the side cleaning his fur, take a sip from mother's made coffee, halfway hang the clothes, put some kibbles for the cats before I go.
Sitting at the back of the car, listening Funkadelic's Maggot Brain on repeat, my mother and sister conversation in the background, take a painkiller in my pocket, stuck up tissue in my nose, close my eyes, trying to let loose and thinking about humanity.

"Rick Deckard: Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger"
"K: All the best memories are hers."
"Dr. Ana Stelline: Every memory has a piece of it's artist."
Question about humanity. What makes we human when we question our existence, our feelings and our memories.

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