Monday, March 12, 2018

While Going Downstair To Take the Water

Sometimes I cannot help but to remember back that has make part of me. My life. I smiled when recall the memories.  The memories comes in certain way, in unexpected way. Sometimes on the way, going down to take some water in the office or in the weird time that I cannot explained it here. 

This one goes out to the friends which have been working with me. Although it was a short time, 1 year but it was good to me. I don't know about you guys. But for me, haha. Its good. Good.

One month in the Palace of Golden Horses is great but throughout the last week. Lebam guys, lebam.
Ok let me start first. 

Called me Dr Love. Because I sit in the room. And like to listen people problem. Apahal poyo ni?

Lets skip all the part that have all the people have been doing. Its ritual I guess. And favorite spot. Everyone must do it at least once. Once? Really? Hahaha.

First, to the little brother, Ashraf. You have become the island people. We share the same supervisor. We could not get you see everyday, and yet you have become the manager. Lucky you to have study with the custodian geologist. You have become the man, the man. Like solitary maybe. Surprised to see you back in darker tone. I heard you have a good life little brother.

To the superwoman Alia, who like to call be bihun goreng sometimes. Never wonder about that. Nevermind,I like free food. I like that name. It rock n roll name. May I Allah blessed you with life. Sofia is a great girl. She have the same birthday with me. I guess people who born on this day is special people. Kahkahkah. Keep rock and roll. 

To Ali, Alia's twin. The coolest man in the bunch. You were like our M.Nasir. Also the manager. Hahaha. With a lot of file like building on each side of the table. Thank you a lot, for the playlist. Cool playlist.Finally, it can safe my time to download illegally from the web. Hahaha.

To Kak Akmal, our Kak Long most steady person. Personally, I didn't see you, the time when you get angry. I really don't. Thank you helping me to get the job after we finished our one year with them. Go steady.

To Dayah, thank you being my buddy and my driver for our fieldwork. You are a patience woman. As strong woman also. A nice family you have. You have a face that I cannot read that as I being Dr Love there. Your face is hard to read. Its compliment. Hehe. 

To Epul, our seberang guy, who have always come to our place, the most cheerful person. And like talk a lot. And Zulhelmi is your sidekick. Hahaha. When you come to the place is lighten up. No, no. Don't throw up. Haha. Thank you for lighten up the place, man. Now throw up. 

To Gee and Jlo, the contra of two height, yet you guys are close friend. Same uni, same buddies to fieldwork. One is quite a celoteh and one steady. Gee have one tone voice and Jlo is another tone of voice. Hahaha

To Farah and Aishah, the twin. Senior and junior. Aishah call me Biha and call Farah by Kakak. I'm older than Farah but I 'm not offended. I am. I feel younger.

To Su, my junior geologist, the determine geologist. Yup, we share the same the experience might be because we are in the same uni and that we share the same interest. Thank you in believing my opinion or sometime my behaviour. Haha. 

To Fizi, the realistic person. Probably our head geologist in the group. The person who behind the Ford Ranger. The face look serious but believe me, it is not. And Julie the assistant. Julie who like laugh a lot. Hehe

To the seberang apartment, Zul who is Epul's sidekick, Nas yup the quiet person and hard to read I guess , Etul's Hafizi sidekick, Dayana the elegant person in the bunch, Dee you are comel one in the bunch, Vimal must be thinking a lot what the here I am doing here hehe and one Chinese guy, I am sorry I forgot your name. You all the great person and I guess you all be patience during your work in there. 

To the downstair people, Farha the sweet friend and I don't know when you are angry too. Hehe. Ema, thank you a lot for the curry laksa or mee curry noodle ? I guess. It was delicious.  I remember walking in the afternoon to eat that curry laksa or noodle. And also the gym. Haha. The H guy. And gym is good though. Perhaps the cycling class is the last thing I do. Sengal gila! Taubat aku. Haha.

To Aizat and Musaddiq, the rare person to see and sometimes quiet. I run out words actually. I don't know maybe thinking what the heck am I doing here. Haha.

Not to forget, my rebel supervisor, Mr Fatkhur. Quite a surprise CD collection. And what's up with left and right boot?Hehe.

I hope this story is not embarrassing you all. 

A lot of people, a lot of stories. A lot of haha.
Learn a lot from you guys. 
Ini bukan perasan sedap. 
This is me writing the memories.
It funny sometime the memories during we did not expected it.

God bless.

Ah, we getting old.


Friday, March 2, 2018

Kisah Budak Kecik

Pagi tadi memang macam budak kecik aku. Kelam kabut setel pasir kumbahan Blaczer. Sampai kat pintu nak masuk Qu Belang dah standby kat pintu. Terkam Blaczer nak makan. Terkejut orang tua tengah. Aku halau Qu Belang sebab dia mula mengembang ajak gaduh. Tutup pintu aku kuar, Qu Belang tengah berlari di depan terkam aku balik macam harimau belang. “Mak, Belang gigit akak!” bergegar satu rumah. Terus lepas kengapan Belang kat kaki aku. Macam budak kecik ngadu kat mak sambal nak nangis. Sakit kot kena ngap dengan harimau belang kecik ni. Sampai berdarah kaki aku. Dia balas dendam kat aku ke.

Sambung pulak, ada yang lain pulak macam nak nangis sebab tak folo procedure. Aku cakap, “Relaks. Relaks”. Aku terus bergerak ke depan. Nak tukar selipar jamban sebenarnya dari tadi.

Kisah budak kecik.