Thursday, June 7, 2012

What We Have

Some people said, you worked because you want to buy a big house or a beautiful car. It was an asset, they said.  To pass on your children, they think. Somehow, I was thinking what is the important to have a big house, fancy cars or anything related to the eye of the materialistic. To gain satisfaction?  To show-off?  To feel the possession?

Because in the end, we will leave everything we have when we died. Every single living cell will die. We don’t bring the big house or fancy cars when we died,right? But I know, some people got hobbies. Like collecting cars, maybe. What the most matter was, what we have done in our life. What we have learnt in our life. In the end,that we will bring. And, that is the matters. 

For me, use the money to explore everything, see the world, do something,learn something, learn new things,help people, make a change. We just live once.