The Sentimental a.k.a Acoustic guitar :
The people who seen beyond of that, have a sense of sentimental value, seeing flow of it, melancholic
The Loud a.k.a Current guitar :
The people who are more aggressive, clear impression, loud, hard chord when angry, soft chord when in love
The Rhythm a.k.a Drums :
The people who are finding a rhythm of life, big heart, angrier when the rhythm become fast, happier are fills with more rhythm, love with slow rhythm
The Tone a.k.a Bass guitar :
The people who complete the sound of it, laidback and relax just like the tone of it, it’s a must, just like adding some flavour to it
The Key a.k.a Keyboard :
The people who can fit anywhere, find the right key to it, fix the unfix, flexible
The Voice a.k.a Vocalist :
The people who shout out what he feels, make it clear about what was it all about - with word